- Midpoint is the middle of the coordinates so you are finding the average of your x values and average of your y values, therefore you add your x's divide by 2 and add your y's divide by 2 -We have done distance before. You DON'T have to memorize this formula -Slope is rise over run. y2-y1/x2-x1 -Label your x1, y1 and x2, y2 -When 0 ends up on top your slope is zero -when o ends up on bottom your slope is undefined -When you are given a midpoint and one endpoint, you want to label your endpoint as your x1 and y1 and your midpoint will be labeled as the xm and ym for x value of the midpoint and y value of the midpoint, then leave the endpoint 2 as x and y because those will be the values you are solving for. Set up your equations--you should have one for x's and one for y's